Bitch. _|_
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Jasper Wilhem Bendz.

Best viewed in I.E.

Wednesday, November 5

I bought hairspray yesterday.
Next Thursday going Peninsula Mall.
I'm still not sure of the plans.
Most probably tomorrow will sort out.
Training was sucky today.
We had to do weight lifting in every station for two whole minutes.
Then all cannot already, reduce to one minute.
Did sprints instead of running four rounds INSTEAD of running the reservoir.
Rained when we don't want it to rain,
Didn't rain when we wanted it to rain. -.-
Surfed YouTube.
Saw these videos.
I thought they might be interesting to share.
The Annoying Devil.
The Annoying Devil 2.

Melrize is not a girl!
And she kicked her friend from the upper bed while sleeping,
To the lower one.
And that poor guy landed on another guy. O:
And there's somemore dumb things that she did.
But I'd rather not tell. HAHA.
See lah, that's for ps-ing me to go chalet lah.

Drowned And Torn Asunder.
11:03 PM