Bitch. _|_
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Jasper Wilhem Bendz.

Best viewed in I.E.

Tuesday, November 11

I don't have the mood to blog.
Seriously, parents should go for training even before they even consider having a child.
Went Bedok Town Park's Macdonald.
Did the usual stuffs with Bradley and Andrew.

I like August Burns Red.
Because they can block out whatever my family is saying.
I know where I am going now.
It's all downhill from here.
But, what can I do?

Kaopei lah.
Fancy you stereotyping your child a gangster.
Saying that he'll go ITE.
Saying that he'll go Changi Prison.
Eh, stupid fuck.
Even gangsters can study okay.
I wanted to regard you as my mother.
But you never gave me a chance.
So I never, ever will.

I might not go on thursday also.
I'm not in the mood already.
I might go and stay and my grandma's.
Because that's the only place I can stay without naggings.

I'll go play with my guitar now.

And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack.
6:03 PM