Bitch. _|_
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Jasper Wilhem Bendz.

Best viewed in I.E.

Sunday, November 9

Woke up to find my whole family's overseas.
At first I thought it was a joke. -.-
Then my mother wrote me a note and gave me some cash.
Telling me they'll be back around evening.
They're going to Malaysia. LOL.

Face book.
I'm using face book more often than friendster now.
Maybe I'm gonna move over to face book soon.
I verified my account anyway.

I think Audioslave's kinda, cool?
Addicting. LOL.
Especially the song, "Like A Stone".
If you can appreciate music,
That's the shit man.

I'm going to prepare then go for my guitar already.
I might meet somebody before I go.
I'm not sure.
See how first.

Have you ever made a choice then regret what you did?
And when you wanted to say sorry?
But you know it's not going to help.
You know it's not going to go back to the past.
You know, it's too late.
I won't deny life's much empty now.
I also won't deny that, I'd won't forget you.
But I also won't deny that, I'm trying my best to get over you.

I try to live without you, every time I do I feel dead.
2:09 PM