Bitch. _|_
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Jasper Wilhem Bendz.

Best viewed in I.E.

Friday, November 28

It's been ages since I last blogged.
I've been playing WoW private server that's why. (World Of Warcraft)

Anyway, I've played that game throughout for two nights already.
That'll explain why I blogged so early.

I'm going Taiwan later.
So, if you wanna read my next post,
I'd suggest you come back on 8th December.

I still havent pack my luggage.
I'll go pack them later.

Felicia's gonna bake me cookies! :D
I think after my training ah.
So cool right!

(Inside Joke)

I'm doing so well.
Why must you come and wreck my life all over again?

Always and forever records.
Cool huhs.

I'm only human, and that’s my saving grace.

Favourites for the next ten days.

Live it fast for a minute.

We signed our life away.

Just waiting on an angel to take me out of my head.

It's just like Déjà Vu.

Beyond the world, to the end of time.

Oh, to be buried beneath the waves.

One second in the great abyss of time.

I'll race the clock with you.

Oh God, here's an offering.

Feeling alone and your all alone.

{editted 11:13PM , 29th Nov}
I miss you luh Jasper Gan.
Faster come back you assssssss.

5:02 AM